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God of War III

Developer: Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA)
Publisher: SCEA
Release Date: March 16, 2010
Platforms: PS3 exclusive

Duration on project: August 2009 - February 2010
Title: Cinematic Environment Artist

This is the final installment of the God of War trilogy. Kratos charges forward in his unrelenting quest for vengeance against the gods and Zeus.

In the end there will only be chaos.

I worked on the project for a period of seven months. My main responsibilities were:

  • Created and animated in game emitters used as particle effects for dust, smoke, sparks, and rubble.
  • Collaborated with producers, animation team, and environment team ensuring a cohesive vision with optimum quality.
  • Modeled, unwrapped, textured, and animated assets and breakables* throughout various areas of the game environment both during gameplay and cut scene cinematics. *Anything that can be or will be destroyed.
  • Animated destruction triggered in real time during both active gameplay and cut scene cinematics.
  • Animated Spartan shields triggered for Kratos (character special moves - Army of Sparta).
  • Rendered frames for assigned cinematics later composited into .m2v format for engine.
  • Dynamically lighted environments and characters for cinematics, both for defaults and on a per shot basis to match in game and achieve desired “look and feel”.

Below are a few videos from the game, which also include stills from the cinematics I've worked on as well as a few in game breakables.

Official God of War III website

Cinematic: Gem Crush
  • Created crushed state for emerald gem
  • Placed and animated particles and gem pieces when gem is crushed
  • Placed and animated statue eye emitter for glow effect
  • Placed and animated statue POV of gem overlay
  • Applied shadow settings on camera
  • Tweaked lighting timing
  • Imported camera, characters, and environment art for scene
  • Rendered frames for assigned cinematics later composited into .m2v format for engine


Cinematic: Hera Death
  • Lighted for character lighting, Kratos and Hera
  • Placed and animated water splashes every time Hera falls
  • Modeled, textured, and placed daisy flowers on garden floor and walls
  • Overlayed "alive" state of garden grass and walls for animated shader wipe (to reveal "dead" state)
  • Placed and animated black embers for dead foliage
  • Placed and lit BG mountains
  • Applied and animated unique shaders for garden floor, walls, mountains, and all plant life.
  • Placed and animated blood squirt on Hera choke
  • Tweaked lighting timing
  • Imported camera, characters, and environment art for scene
  • Rendered frames for assigned cinematics to be later composited into .m2v format for engine


Cinematic: Flame Int
  • Lighted for character lighting, Kratos and Athena
  • Lighted Pandora's box flame to pulse on environment and characters
  • Animated shaders for Athena fade
  • Imported camera, characters, and environment art for scene
  • Rendered frames for assigned cinematics later composited into .m2v format for engine


Cinematic: Heph Post Hades
  • Lighted for character lighting, Kratos and Hephestus
  • Applied terrain shader to Heph's anvil for higher res
  • Imported camera, characters, and environment art for scene
  • Rendered frames for assigned cinematics later composited into .m2v format for engine


Cinematic: Heph Fetch
  • Lighted for character lighting, Kratos and Hephestus
  • Created and applied overlays on steps to Hyperion Gate for higher res
  • Created and animated breakable with particles for Heph punch
  • Animated and placed particle for Heph fist
  • Animated and palced particles for Heph's ring to tesla coils
  • Applied and painted terrain shader to Heph's anvil for higher res
  • Imported camera, characters, and environment art for scene
  • Rendered frames for assigned cinematics later composited into .m2v format for engine


Cinematic: Opening Int
This is about 2:20 into the opening intro of the game.
  • Animated and placed particles on heels of grunts during jump
  • Populated ground areas with rock and foliage
  • Added geo on foreground rocks and cliffs
  • Applied and painted terrain shader on rock geo


In Game R2 Move with Exile Blades: Army of Sparta
  • Animated and placed spartan shields and spears
  • Applied corresponding lights
  • Tweaked material shaders


In Game: End of Scorpius battle: Scorpion Break
  • Created breakable art for Scorpius and stinger
  • Broke scorpion into pieces and animated explosion
  • Animated and placed particles corpse explosion and stinger melt
  • Animated puddle shaders


In Game: Gaia Hand Toss sequence
  • Modeled and animated rubble during hand toss
  • Animated and placed dust/dirt particles